The Notre Dame of Marbel University (NDMU) is a sectarian institution situated in the culturally pluralistic province of South Cotabato, on the island of Mindanao, Philippines.   It started as Notre Dame of Marbel (NDM), a secondary level educational institution founded by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) with the Religious of Virgin Mary (RVM) Sisters in 1946.  It is the first high school to open in South Cotabato and Koronadal Valley.  In 1950, the Oblate Fathers turned over the ownership and management of the Boys Department to the Marist Brothers of the Schools (FMS).  Two years later, the Dominican sisters assumed the direction of the Girls Department.   The Marist Brothers, through the years, have transformed it into a College (Notre Dame of Marbel College).

About NDMU

Vision Mission


Inspired by the charism of St. Marcellin Champagnat, Notre Dame of Marbel University envisions to be a Catholic Marist institution of learning dedicated to the spiritual, moral and academic formation of men and women who exemplify competence and social responsibility in the service of God and humanity.


As a Catholic institution founded on Marist traditions, Notre Dame of Marbel University commits itself to:

  • Build  Character – by providing quality Christian education to the youth making them capable of being leaven for responsible Christian living.
  • Develop Competence – by promoting the principles of quality education and by generating new knowledge that fosters human development and advancement of the society.
  • Respect Culture – by inculcating the principles of cultural solidarity, by instilling appreciation and preservation of the Filipino cultural heritage, and by promoting the Marist tradition where students are progressively initiated into their life-long challenge of harmonizing faith, culture and life.

“Character, Competence and Culture in harmony”


Inspired by the charism of St. Marcellin Champagnat, Notre Dame of Marbel University envisions to be a Catholic Marist institution of learning dedicated to the spiritual, moral and academic formation of men and women who exemplify competence and social responsibility in the service of God and humanity.


As a Catholic institution founded on Marist traditions, Notre Dame of Marbel University commits itself to:

  • Build  Character – by providing quality Christian education to the youth making them capable of being leaven for responsible Christian living.
  • Develop Competence – by promoting the principles of quality education and by generating new knowledge that fosters human development and advancement of the society.
  • Respect Culture – by inculcating the principles of cultural solidarity, by instilling appreciation and preservation of the Filipino cultural heritage, and by promoting the Marist tradition where students are progressively initiated into their life-long challenge of harmonizing faith, culture and life.

“Character, Competence and Culture in harmony”


The Vision-Mission of Notre Dame of Marbel University is capsulated in three words:  Character, Competence and Culture.

In view of this, NDMU aims to:

  • provide programs of studies responsive to the educational needs of the  local, national and international communities;
  • uphold educational excellence and spiritual/moral formation;
  • train competent individuals imbued with a sense of nationalism and social responsibility;
  • engage in researches for human development and advancement of society;
  • inculcate respect for and appreciation of cultural diversity;
  • develop innovative programs that contribute to the enhancement of peace and development;
  • create relevant  community involvement programs responsive to the needs of the poor especially the disadvantaged youth;
  • promote active participation in the activities of the local Church in fulfilling her vision, mission and thrusts;
  • network and collaborate with partner agencies in enhancing the mission; and
  • instill the Marist Spirit and tradition embodied in the motto “All to Jesus through Mary.”

Core Values

Inspired by the charism of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, Notre Dame of Marbel University anchors its faith and life on the following core values as foundational qualities with which the Marist Brothers, Mission Partners, and students approach the entire educational process and academic atmosphere of the University:  Family Spirit, Marian, Love of Work, Preference for the Least Favored, Quality Education, Integrity of Creation, and Culture-sensitivity.

Family Spirit

St. Marcellin Champagnat’s great desire and legacy was in the style of relationship he encouraged between teachers and students- a relationship premised on love and expressed in a style which Marcellin called “family spirit.”   Akin  to the characteristic of a good family are: a warmth of welcome, acceptance, belongingness and authentic concern which should prevail where everyone has a sense of being valued and believed in, regardless of their role or their social standing.

University Colors

Color symbolism is the most universal language spoken. From earliest times, colors have held a special meaning in peoples’ lives in different cultures.

NDMU, as a catholic Marist institution, adopted Gold and Green as its official colors. The color Gold is the universal symbols of pure light, divine intelligence, virtue, excellence, and the glory of God. On the hand, the color Green is the universal color of nature that represents life, hope, joy and eternity.

These colors, Gold and Green, capture the ideals of the university.

The color Gold represents the univerisity’s commitment in upholding academic excellence and integral formation of students, imbued with Marial virtues and values directed towards the goal: “God’s Greater Honor and Glory through Mary”.

The color Green speaks of the university’s pedagogical approach inspired by St. Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marist Brothers – an approach to education, which stresses the harmony of faith, life and culture.

Furthermore, the colors Gold and Green signify the university’s commitment and unity to all Notre Dame Educational Association (NDEA) members’ schools.

  • Gold symbolizes the golden virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary-NDEA’s Patroness.
  • Green indicates NDEA’s unceasing pursuit of the evergreen laurels of quality education

University Seal

A Notre Damian should keep in view the ideals on which the Notre Dame of Marbel University was founded. Love for country and sanctity in education are all directed toward the attainment of the goal: “GOD’S GREATER HONOR AND GLORY THROUGH MARY”.

These are the ideals fittingly illustrated in the seal of the University. The tripartition with the background of red, white and blue symbolizes the Philippines and its three geographical divisions.

On the left, against the background is Mt. Matutum towering over the province of South Cotabato. At its base the emblem “A” the superimposed the “M” for AVE MARIA” is the earliest symbol of the Marist Brothers whose motto is “ Ad Jesum per Mariam” (All to Jesus through Mary).

On the right is a book in which crucifix lies, representing Christian Education, these symbols are emblazoned on a shield to imply that armed and protected by the NDMU ideals, the students serve God, country and neighbor.

Above the shield are the twelve stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Patroness and the Protectress of the Philippines and of the Notre Dame of Marbel University

University Hymn

With praises, love and loyalty
We sing, “All to Jesus through Mary.”
For you taught us to have integrity,
In loving God, our family, and our country.

Our hearts beats so true forever for you,
For you shared everything you knew.
From east to west wherever we may go,
We’ll bring the best we learned from you.


Across the mountains, oceans and seas,
We’re standing united ever loyal and proud to say.
With culture, character and competence in harmony,
Hail! Notre Dame of Marbel University.

You united us with one spirit
For you showed what is blessed.
To love each other even we compete;
To live with respect and to wil ’til our last breath.
(Repeat Chrorus)

With culture, character and competence in harmony,
Hail! Notre Dame of Marbel University

 by: Cyril F. Forro

Board of Trustees and Administrators

Message from the President