Gold and Green
Color symbolism is the most universal language spoken. From earliest times, colors have held a special meaning in peoples’ lives
in different cultures.
NDMU, as a Catholic Marist institution, adopted GOLD and GREEN as its official colors. The color GOLD is the universal symbol of pure light, divine intelligence, virtue, excellence and the glory of God. On the other hand, the color GREEN is the universal color of nature that represents life, hope, joy, and eternity.
These colors, gold and green, capture the ideals of the University. The gold represents the University’s commitment in upholding academic excellence and integral formation of students, imbued with Marian virtues and values directed towards the goal: “God’s Greater Honor and Glory through Mary”. The green speaks of the university’s pedagogical approach inspired by St. Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marist Brothers – an approach to education which stresses the harmony of faith, life and culture.
Furthermore, the colors gold and green signify the University’s commitment and unity with all Notre Dame Educational Association (NDEA) member schools. Gold symbolizes the golden virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary – NDEA’s Patroness. green indicates NDEA’s unceasing pursuit of the evergreen laurels of quality education.