Vision and Mission
Inspired by the charism of St. Marcellin Champagnat, Notre Dame of Marbel University envisions to be a Catholic Marist institution of learning dedicated to the spiritual, moral and academic formation of men and women who exemplify competence and social responsibility in the service of God and humanity.
As a Catholic institution founded on Marist traditions, Notre Dame of Marbel University commits itself to:
Build Character – by providing quality Christian education to the youth making them capable of being leaven for responsible Christian living;
Develop Competence – by promoting the principles of quality education and by generating new knowledge that fosters human development and advancement of the society; and
Respect Culture – by inculcating the principles of cultural solidarity, by instilling appreciation and preservation of the Filipino cultural heritage, and by promoting the Marist tradition where students are progressively initiated into their life-long challenge of harmonizing faith, culture and life.
“Character, Competence and Culture in harmony”
The Vision-Mission of Notre Dame of Marbel University is capsulated in three words: Character, Competence and Culture.
In view of this, NDMU aims to:
provide programs of studies responsive to the educational needs of the local, national and international communities;
uphold educational excellence and spiritual/moral formation;
train competent individuals imbued with a sense of nationalism and social responsibility;
engage in researches for human development and advancement of society;
inculcate respect for and appreciation of cultural diversity;
develop innovative programs that contribute to the enhancement of peace and development;
create relevant community involvement programs responsive to the needs of the poor especially the disadvantaged youth;
promote active participation in the activities of the local Church in fulfilling her vision, mission and thrusts;
network and collaborate with partner agencies in enhancing the mission; and
instill the Marist Spirit and tradition embodied in the motto “All to Jesus through Mary.”