Notre Damean should keep in view the ideals on which the Notre Dame of Marbel University was founded. The love for country and sanctity in education are all directed toward the attainment of the goal: “GOD’S GREATER HONOR AND GLORY THROUGH MARY”. These are the ideals fittingly illustrated in the seal of the university. The tripartition with the background of red, white, and blue symbolizes the Philippines and its three geographical divisions namely Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. On the left, against the background is Mt. Matutum towering over the province of South Cotabato. At its base, the emblem “A” that superimposes “M” for AVE MARIA” is the earliest symbol of the Marist Brothers whose motto is “Ad Jesum per Mariam” (All to Jesus through Mary). On the right is a book in which a crucifix lies, representing Christian Education. These symbols are emblazoned on a shield to imply that armed and protected by the NDMU ideals, the students serve God, country, and neighbor. Above the shield are the twelve stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Patroness and the Protectress of the Philippines and of the Notre Dame of Marbel University.